Lower Merion Parks and Recreation
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Abrakadoodle, Summer Camp

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Abrakadoodle is the global leader in visual arts education, bringing art classes, camps and special art events to children of all ages. Abrakadoodle teachers bring exciting lessons and a wide variety of art materials while introducing children to artists, art vocabulary and techniques from around the world!

World Travel 3D Art Camp
Travel with us on this creative journey and create 3D masterpieces inspired by world cultures. Create art using a variety of materials, play games and understand that through art we can connect with people from all over the world.
Artsy City Builders STEAM Camp
Calling all creative minds! We are planning a city! Let’s use arty tools to design skyscrapers, bridges, community pools, houses, bistros, airports and even museums. Create an artsy garden with trees and sculptures. Paint your own urban skyline inspired by Van Gogh. Use art skills to turn STEAM concepts into 3D masterpieces. Join us on the road to fun!

Kick, Catch and Splash Art Camp
Kickstart your imagination, catch your arty tools and join us to make a splash! Learn about athletes who make striking artwork. Get inspired by artists who create visual effects, transforming sports into a form of art. Join us for Olympic-sized fun while you create whimsical artwork, play games, and listen to stories!
Let’s Go Camping
Have camping fun right in the art room!  Explore painting, printing, collage, nature tapestry and other art media. Have fun with camping games, art projects and new friends!

Program Notes
Curriculum for the AM and PM Sessions will be different.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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